Hey there. Sorry for taking so long to make new post. I've been busy because of studying and family parties, but now back to the updates for the plants.
After spectacular flowering my Jewel orchid is happily putting up some new qrowth.
D. kaiteurensis seeds have germinated and the germination rate was totally amazing!
D. sessifolia is a lovely annual species which looks very much like D. burmannii
and is a weedy species. Better to keep this lovely plant under control.
D. coccicaulis and lots of moss.
D. felix which had a strong will to survive.
And I said that pygmy sundews aren't anything special but this little fella really is something. Small but beautiful D. omissa x pulchella.
D. venusta which almost got forgotten on the table for 2 weeks with no water and extra light is looking a bit better now.
U. minutissima from Gunung Tahan starting to bloom
and there are even more stalks yet to bloom
U. nephrophylla is growing a nice flowerstalk too. This plant grows in open terraria to maximize the ventilation
U. alpina doesn't like open terraria anymore and the flowerstalk is slowly turning yellow :(
U reniformis keeps growing larger and larger leaves. Hopefully it starts flowering when conditions are a bit better for my epiphytic utrics
U. tricolor and mystery of what potting mix did I use for this plant again?
Love for Australian plants.
But life isn't just happy things. I now declare the plants that have died in this rough winter.
Drosera neocaledonica
Drosera slackii
Drosera sp. 'Pretty Rosette'
Genlisea lobata x violacea
Nepenthes sanguinea 'Black Beauty'
Nepenthes x 'Hookeriana'
Pinguicula lusitanica
Utricularia sandersonii
But in the summer I will make up for the losses and order some more plants and try to make some things for my terraria setup but I will update about that later.
60 cm of snow and -10 celcius outside but warm cup of hot hot chocolate keeps body and thoughts warm. Another thing that keeps my thoughts warm is to see numbers larger than 2 000 in total pageviews. Thank you very much for reading my blog!